Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket, never let it fade away❤️‍🩹⭐️

Lesson well taught❣️

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As a cancer survivor this resonates. Beautifully written, wishing you well! 🙏

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You found a way to be grateful for all of the blessings in your life. What a great foundation for your recovery from the illness.

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I saw you and your daughter speak at the first Gathering Place! I just shared this with three of my friends who recently went through treatments. Thank you!! You spread hope and that message of gratefulness. Love it!!

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Happy birthday in May! I am delighted you get to be 69 (me too, in June). ❤️

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I’m so glad you are here. You lift my spirits. I too went thru breast cancer almost 5 years ago. It was triple negative but I had a fabulous oncologist (Dr. Theo! 💜) that went the extra mile (in so many ways) and mine was a breeze. I had CMF ( I don’t remember the medical terms but just refer to it as Cancer Mother Fu**er & that works). The chemo & radiation tired me out but I didn’t lose my hair or miss a single day of work. I was never nauseated & didn’t lose my appetite or a single friggin ounce of weight! I quite certain that it was harder on my partner & family than it was on me. 😢. I don’t exactly feel guilty but I most certainly don’t feel like a survivor of something. I think about it sometimes knowing that it is likely to reoccur somewhere but I just don’t seem to feel like it will. I think I have possibly been sleep walking through a great deal of my life. I just don’t choose to agonize over something I have zero control over.

The 🍊💩 & the 👽 have me pretty rilled up but even that I seem to be able to flip a switch on. All this I guess is to say that I believe I envy you your clarity. 💜

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I have followed you for many years and appreciate your wisdom. Thank you.

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Another lesson, beautifully written ,and sent to me on just the Right Day!


Pat Gillis

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I love, Love, LOVE that photo of you with your grandchildren. It made me tear up, as well. You're a very strong person, Regina & I know you mostly haven't had familial support. I don't know how you've done it all of these years. I keep holding close to the Lord, myself: "things" go better that way.

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Thank you for this. Great advice, as usual. So glad you got the 27 bonus years. We all wouldn't be the same without you! Love the pictures. Beautiful family!

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I read your daily and am currently reading your book, Little Detours. CONGRATULATIONS and thank you - my score is "Peg 4 v Cancer 0". You are a channel of sacred loving goodness

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The gift of time is precious. Many of us are in wonder of it every day. Living every one of my gifted days to the fullest.

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This all rings so true. So well put! I've survived 18 years and get to be 82. I am definitely not wasting any time moaning over the age spots...but using the good stuff, makeup and color (vanity thy name is Char)! You have such a way with words that puts a warm blanket over me. Happy to have found this.

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I’m into my fifth year post-cancer surgery and radiation, and your writing has touched me…

I go days without thinking about how blessed I am to have caught the cancer early and to be doing great (at 71!)

You’ve reminded me to continue to do and be all I can be, and to appreciate life lived daily. Thanks, Regina!❤️

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